The 7 Levels of Scrutiny

In order for us to approve a payment, it has to pass the 7 levels of Scrutiny listed below. If any purchase fails to pass this criteria it will not be approved.


Directly related to achieving the aims and mission of the club or society and of benefit to all members.


The transaction is allowed by club or society constitution and rules, policy, law, contractual agreement, and/or professional standards and has been appropriately authorised.


The amount being paid for a product or service, reasonable and proportionate.


Sufficient funding exists to pay for the transaction prior to the legal obligation to make the payment.

Accurately recorded

The transaction amount is consistent with value received, and is free from accounting coding or arithmetic error. In addition, the amount of the transaction is transparent and can be easily and quickly derived from the supporting documentation.


The amount being paid or received for a good or service, or the amount of an adjustment is consistent with suitable original evidence of supporting documentation that is auditable.

Timely Recorded

The date associated with the transaction is accurate and the transaction is recorded and processed in a timely manner. This allows the SU and clubs & societies to exercise the required management of its finances by being able to identify fund available for expenditure.

Last updated